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1. There are many misconceptions of abuse

The first thing that normally comes to mind when thinking about someone misusing drugs or alcohol is a person who roams the streets, dirty, rugged, and with not much purpose in life but to seek the substance of their addiction. This may not always be the case, though. Some people can actually be employed, and look and seem normal, much like everyone else. If you fear that a loved one is becoming addicted to a substance or behavior, here are some signs and symptoms to watch for.

2. Identyfying abuse

Misuse happens with the loved-one, co-worker or friend simply cannot stop indulging though they say they want to stop. The person also may have attempted to quit substances or behaviors but has not succeeded one or more times. These repeated behaviors are also interfering with home and work life. The relationship with this person may also feel off-balance. Their behaviors may also become erratic, odd absences may occur, or excuses and lying may be present. One may wish to document these behaviors to assist the counselor or therapist and the person misusing understand how different and difficult their quality of life currently is.

3. Withdrawal symptoms may appear

Once the person of concern stops using the substance, physical actions and behaviors identify that the body is experiencing withdrawals and craving the substance. It is important for a person who is in withdrawal to receive a detox. Some withdrawals could result in death if not monitored or medicated properly. Symptoms that may accompany withdrawal include: anger, restlessness, agitation, cravings, poor concentration and focus, feelings of emptiness, depression, and moodiness. Others may also experience, insomnia, increased appetite, diarrhea or constipation, hallucinations, trembling and seizures.

4. Ensuring supply and dependency

The loved one or individual may have a personality change, appearing more secretive or isolating from family and friends. Cravings will insight the person to hide alcohol or substances in the home, car, shed, or garage and use excuses to retreat to these locations. Cravings are tough for the individual who becomes addicted. Dependency on the substance or behavior happens when the person feels like they cannot accomplish tasks or solve problems unless they have use the substance or completed the behavior.

5. Responsibilities are being neglected

Because of addiction, the person may neglect or forget their responsibilities to family, significant others and even to themselves. They live in a world where there are no rules and limitations. On the same note, the person may also ignore or turn down family or social invitations, and may start dropping activities and hobbies they enjoy.

6. Medical issues or financial problems arise

The person affected thinks that not having the substance or completing the behavior is worse than any health complication. With this individuals finances, they may run out of money for no apparent reason, wish to borrow money, make excuses for needing money or play the victim card that they were fired because “someone else” got them fired or in trouble with the organization. Watch for blaming someone else for ones situation as well.